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Online Help > Landmarks

How to import GPX/KML/KMZ landmark files?

The application allows you to import landmarks (waypoints, routes, tracks, areas) from various file formats and display them on the map:

  • Click on the Landmarks menu icon and on Explore landmark . The default landmark folder is listed;
  • Select the folder where the file to import is located. If needed, click on the top left drawer menu to list the main folders of your device. For example, click on My downloads to select the folder /storage/emulated/0/Download/.


  • Once the file to import is displayed , click on it to start the import;
  • Wait some time for the file to be imported (which depends on the file size);
  • When the file is imported, you can:
    • Select Browse to list the content of the imported file, for example to display only few items;
    • Select Display to display the entire file content on the map.


How to export GPX/KML/KMZ landmark files?

The application allows you to export landmarks (waypoints, routes, tracks, areas) to various formats:

  • Click on the Landmarks menu icon and on Explore landmark ;
  • Long press the item you want to export or click on its icon ;
  • In its action menu, select Export as… ;


  • Choose the export format ;
  • Once the item is exported, a confirmation message prints the full path of the exported file .
