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Where does the application store its data?

The application folder is the unique folder used by the application to store all its data on the user device, including:

This folder is automatically chosen during the first application start, and is usually located on the external SD card (if available) for devices running Android lower than 4.4, or on the device memory for Android 4.4 and after (SD card storage behavior has considerably changed since then).

Inside the application folder, you'll find the following sub-folders:

How to locate the application folder?

To display the application folder:


How to change the application folder?

To modify the storage location:

Be careful if you choose a storage location within the /Android/data/ folder as Android will delete it when you un-install the application.

If you see a small locker icon, it means that the application isn't able to write in this location, and so it cannot be used. Check the troubleshooting section below for more details.


Application folder on the external SD card troubleshooting

Android 4.4
In Android 4.4 and above, the memory management has been modified:

Android 6.0
In Android 6.0 and above, you can now grant the application the right to write on the external SD card from the Android settings (“Applications” section). If no storage location choices at all are available on the external SD card:

Re-using data stored before Android upgrade
If you stored data with the application on the external SD card before upgrading to Android 4.4, this data is now read-only and cannot be used any-more. Here is the solution to retrieve it:

How to access data stored outside of the application folder in Android 11 and above?

Starting with Android 11, drastic changes have been made by Google regarding how applications can access data stored outside of the application specific folders: except for file managers (and a few other specific cases), applications are only able to access media files from the shared storage spaces (internal device and removable SD card). It means that all your file-based maps and placemarks saved outside of the application specific folders are no more accessible.

Those limitations don't apply if you update the application from version 3.8 (or below) to version 3.9 (or above).

However, applications still keep a total access on their application specific folders (read and write everything). There is one application specific folder on the internal device memory, and one application specific folder on the removable SD card (if any).
For OfflineMaps, the path of this folder is “/Android/data/net.psyberia.offlinemaps/files/”.
For OfflineMaps+, the path of this folder is “/Android/data/net.psyberia.offlinemapsplus/files/”.

Here are some workarounds:



How to move your files?

In order to move your files from or into into an application specific folder, the recommended way is to use an Android 11 compatible file manager (“Cx File Explorer” or “X-plore File Manager” for example).

Alternatively, you can plug your device on your desktop computer (using your USB cable) and use it to move the files (may not work for some setups);